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Tshe Great Gatsby (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald)
2020-12-21 19:08 Read:

Series:Classics of English Literature

Event date:24 Dec 2020

Event time:14:00 - 16:30

Venue: School of Foreign Languages

Event type: Lectures

Speaker: Wang Shuqin

Professor Wang Shuqin, doctor and master’s supervisor. From August 1997 to October 1998, she studied English and American literature and foreign language teaching methods in the University of Pennsylvania. From September 2010 to March 2011, she studied feminist literature, American minority literature and American modern literature at the University of San Diego. She has previously been appointed a professor in the School of Foreign Languages at Shandong Jianzhu University, a professor in the School of Foreign Languages at Shandong University of Economics, and is currently a professor in the School of Foreign Languages at Shandong University of Finance and Economics. Professor Wang’s lecture topics have included "American Literature", "English Literature", "history of Western Aesthetics", "British and American literary criticism", "British and American novels", "Greek and Roman mythology" among others. Her main research fields are British and American literature and Western literary theory, especially focusing on Western feminist literature and criticism. Representative achievements include: Monograph Research on African American Feminist Literary Criticism, thesis Towards The Center of Marginal Poetics: American Literary Criticism in The Context of Deconstruction, Cultural Turn of Contemporary Literary Research, Purple: A Hymn of Harmonious Beauty, Aesthetic Interpretation of Keats's Ode to The Ancient Greek, Interpretation of the Hero’s Behavior in Sula, and The Aesthetics Interpretation of Love Exploration - Reading Morrison's Bluest Eyes, Williams' Interpretation of Cultural Thought, The Method of American Education Research, Shandong Social Science Planning Research Project, and The Ethical Thought Research of American Black Female Literature, among others.

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